Monday, October 15, 2012

Crew of the Day, Pt. 2: Phil Reynolds

Ladies and Gentlemen! Hailing from Island Heights, New Jersey, the Navy Sailing Team would like to present the Phillionaire himself, the Sultan of Spin, Phil "The Rhino" Reynolds! Known for his superior intellect and flawless dimples, Phil brings seventeen years of sailing experience on board Optis, 420's, E-Scows, a RP-66, a TP 52 and a first in class in the 2012 Newport-Bermuda Race to the crew.  On the boat, The Rhino's positions include spinnaker trimmer, bullpen tactician and kicker.  When not on the water, he enjoys skiing at his local ski slope, playing 9 to 13 holes with his buddies and other fun-loving activities.  Unlike the rest of the crew, Phil brings loads of personality to the boat and can't wait to show the world his smile in La Rochelle. Sail on, Phillionaire, sail on.

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